Nos partenaires

Fédérations hospitalières

Dans le cadre de la consolidation de certains projets du monde hospitalier et pour assurer des contacts transparents avec toutes les institutions en cette période de création des réseaux hospitaliers, nous assurons un contact étroit avec les fédérations hospitalières, notamment :


EHPPA - European Health Public Procurement Alliance is a non-profit organisation that represents a network of Group Procurement Organisations (GPOs). Its primary objective is to provide its members with a strategic position in the European health procurement market by pooling their expertise, leveraging their performance, and promoting collaboration among members.

EHPPA has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the healthcare public procurement sector, making it well-placed to support the Healthcare Buyers Community. The organisation's members comprise some of the most significant players in the European health procurement market, giving EHPPA a broad network of contacts and resources.

One of EHPPA’s key strengths is its expertise in health procurement policy and regulation.  EHPPA members are subject to strict European public procurement regulations and many have extensive experience in navigating the procurement landscape. As a result, EHPPA can provide valuable guidance and support to the Healthcare Buyers Community in navigating this complex regulatory environment, while supporting our shared goals of innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.

As an accomplished healthcare management professional, the Chairman of EHPPA, Danny Havenith has over 15 years of experience in the sector. Throughout his career, he has consistently demonstrated his ability to lead high-performing teams as hospital CEO and organisations, including MercurHosp ASBL, the central procurement body of Wallonian & Brussels Hospitals, where he is currently General Manager.


Reviewing the lessons of the Covid crisis and drawing the right conclusions: that's what public procurement bodies have set themselves for the years 2020 to 2022. Within EHPPA, the 12 members from 11 different countries place great emphasis on the exchange of experience and the professionalization of their sector. 

It's true that we're all subject to the European Public Procurement Act for the healthcare sector; it's a single law for all EU member states. The sector is obliged to go through this public procurement obligation. And despite this single law, there are so many different approaches, so much different case law. And yet, the sector needs the same molecules, the same devices, the same equipment, etc., most of which are offered by global healthcare players. This is where the exchange of experience within EHPPA comes in handy!
But in addition to this day-to-day work, the challenges of the future are also on EHPPA's agenda: integrating sustainability criteria into public procurement contracts to help get closer to the Green Deal, professionally securing supply chains and delivery conditions, integrating the idea of value-based healthcare and patient experience, bringing industry innovation into facilities as impacted input that passes through buyers, confronting data interpretation and Artificial Intelligence in general.... 

This and much more is what makes EHPPA and its members so dynamic. 
And many of them are involved in European projects to give a concrete, common structure to all these challenges.  

Connected with all our founding organisations - EHPPA, HealthPRO Canada and Health Proc Europe Association on the Healthcare Buyers Community.

SPF Santé public

Collaboration durant la crise Covid au sein de différents workgroups fédéraux, en partenariat avec les Fédérations hospitalières (UNESSA et GIBBIS).

Pour en savoir plus sur le SPF Santé Publique :

Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc

Il s’agit d’un des membres fondateurs de MercurHosp 2013-2020 avec lequel nous continuons de collaborer sur différents marchés.

Pour en savoir plus sur les Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc :


La Région Wallonne a mandaté en 2021 MercurHosp et l’ACAH afin de passer, pour leurs institutions médico-sociales, des marchés publics de masques, blouses et de gants.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’AVIQ :

Value–Based Procurement Community of Practice (VBP CoP)

Value–Based Procurement Community of Practice (VBP CoP)

The Value-Based Procurement Community of Practice (VBP CoP) brings together procurement organizations, procurers, the Medical Technology industry and their leadership and engages with health authorities and other stakeholders with a common interest in value-based procurement. The 3 founding members are: EHPPA, MedTech Europe, BCG

For more information on the VBP CoP, please contact Hans Bax.

The objective of the VBP CoP is to foster a change in practice and implement value-based procurement both in the public and private healthcare sectors. This will bring the most economically advantageous solution into healthcare, taking into account the value offered to patients, to the care givers, the providers and potentially, to society. 

VBP CoP activities

The VBP CoP is driven by its members and assisted by supporting and knowledge partners. The CoP focuses on 5 key activities: Engage & Outreach, Educate, Collaborate, Derive Learnings and Continuously Enhance its Toolkit.

Value–Based Procurement is a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to partner for patient-centric, higher quality and more sustainable health care. Value–Based Procurement addresses key challenges in the provider/supplier relationship, leading to economic most advantageous purchasing by awarding the specific needs and what citizens, health systems, health actors and society value.


L’ACAH est la deuxième centrale d’achat sur le territoire Wallon. Persuadés que la collaboration est une plus-value pour tout le secteur, nous favorisons l’échange et la coopération. En 2021, sous forme d’une société simple, nous avons réalisé en commun le projet des marchés publics pour les institutions médico-sociales de l’AVIQ.

Pour en savoir plus sur l’ACAH :